Our key priorities

We drive life-saving medical breakthroughs, advocate for better health, and bring together the brightest minds to improve diagnosis, care and support. Our key priorities are: 
Heart disease survivor Donna Hart showing her surgery's incision scar on her chest

Prevent the surge of heart failure

Prevent the surge of heart failure

Anything that can damage the heart can damage its function. Today, close to 800,000 people in Canada are living with heart failure, with about 100,000 diagnosed every year. They face a complicated, deadly disease that diminishes their quality of life. Heart & Stroke brought together cardiac experts and organizations to launch a national action plan. This plan tackles heart failure on all fronts: advancing research, preventing heart damage, creating new treatments, and improving diagnosis and access to care and medications. 
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Transform the stroke system and care

Transform the stroke system and care

In an instant, stroke can devastate families. It’s a leading cause of death, and 60% of people who survive are left with some disability. We are the stroke authority in Canada, fighting to raise awareness of the signs of stroke (FAST), fueling medical discoveries, and providing evidence-based healthcare guidelines to deliver world-class stroke care. 
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Kim Ruether

Improve cardiac arrest survival rates

Improve cardiac arrest survival rates

The odds of surviving an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest are just 10%. Taking immediate action by bystanders is critical for survival. Heart & Stroke is working to improve survival rates by training Canadians in CPR and AED use through a vast instructor network, and through CardiacCrashTM, a team-based, gamified learning program. As tireless advocates, we ensured AED placement in public places (like skating rinks and office buildings) across Canada.
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Garima Dwivedi and her daughter Ila

Close the gaps in health inequity

Close the gaps in health inequity

Some communities in Canada bear a disproportionate burden of disease and risk for heart and brain conditions, including women, Indigenous people, and Black communities. By forging partnerships and working within equity-deserving groups, Heart & Stroke is leading the charge to beat health inequity with targeted research programs, building awareness and enabling the healthcare system. Our work for women is just one example.
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Heart disease survivor Nora Evelyn

Champion congenital heart disease lifelong care

Champion congenital heart disease lifelong care

Congenital heart disease is a lifelong battle. About 1 in every 100 babies are born with congenital heart disease (CHD). Today, more than 2/3 of people living with CHD are adults. But gaps in research, diagnosis, care and support put them at risk for heart failure and stroke. Heart & Stroke brought together leading CHD experts and people living with CHD to build an action plan that will advance research, raise awareness and improve access to specialized care and support across the lifespan. 
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An illustration of a strawberry with heart organs

Fight for healthier generations

Fight for healthier generations

Heart & Stroke fought hard for smoke-free spaces, the removal of heart-clogging trans fats in foods, and an updated Canada’s Food Guide. Today, we’re influencing government legislation and regulations to create a vape-free generation, improve nutrition labelling, enable access to affordable medication, and stop the onslaught of harmful marketing to children. 
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We approach every priority with:

World-class research

We accelerate the pace of discovery that will lead to new and more effective ways of preventing, treating and recovering from heart disease and stroke
A woman scientist examines test tubes

Advocacy and systems change

We advocate for public policies and healthier environments, improved access to support services and a strong and equitable health system for all people in Canada.
A woman viewing a bulletin board

Public awareness and education

We inform, educate and raise awareness of heart disease and stroke prevention, diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
A father and young son out bicycling together

Patient engagement and support

We partner with people with lived experience and their care partners, support them and connect them through their health journey and recovery.
A black grandmother hugs her grandchild

The impact of each $1 donation

Every contribution you make helps beat heart disease and stroke.
  • 66.2 cents

    funds life-saving research, advocacy and health promotion

  • 31.4 cents

    is invested in fundraising

  • 2.4 cents

    goes to administrative costs

Cardiac arrest survivor Robert Marien

Only one in 10 people survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Learn how we’re improving the odds in our new report.

Michael Reynos, living with stroke

With his wife by his side, Michael is determined to beat stroke.

Heart disease survivor Kevin Lobo

Kevin Lobo has heart failure. Learn how that changed his life, in our report on heart failure.

Courtney Chartrand, living with stroke

After her stroke at 24, Courtney is embracing each moment with a new perspective.

Seth Nottley poses while wearing a superman t-shirt

Seth Nottley’s heart stopped in his school playground. But CPR saved his life.