Gift of life insurance

Two women having an intimate laugh while holding mugs.

Here are answers to some of the most common questions about creating a gift of life insurance to Heart & Stroke.

What is a gift of life insurance?

You can name Heart & Stroke as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy or transfer the ownership of your policy to Heart & Stroke. When considering a gift of life insurance to Heart & Stroke, you have options. To find the right solution for your own goals and situation, it is important to get advice from your advisor(s). Life insurance is also subject to various national and provincial regulations, so it is in everyone’s best interest to ensure the type of gift of life insurance you are considering is one that Heart & Stroke can receive.

How do you know if a gift of life insurance to Heart & Stroke might be right for you?

Everyone’s financial situation is different. When considering a gift of life insurance, you should speak with a tax professional and financial advisor to help you achieve your objectives. 

Why share your decision to give to Heart & Stroke?

We are grateful for your generosity and commitment to Heart & Stroke’s mission and we would like the opportunity to thank you during your lifetime. We also understand that this is a personal decision and value your privacy. We will not share your personal information. 

Do you have the correct information for your insurance provider?

Our full legal name, address and charitable registration number is:  

Legal Name: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

Mailing address: 2300 Yonge Street, Suite 1200, Box 2414, Toronto ON M4P 1E4

Charitable Registration #: 10684 6942 RR0001