Frequently Asked Questions



Gift in Will
How do I leave a gift in Will for Heart & Stroke? +

When you choose to leave a gift in your Will to Heart & Stroke, you have the option to give either a specific amount of money or a percentage of your estate. Heart & Stroke will only relieve your gift after you have passed.

A gift in your Will can take many forms and consists of cash savings, real property and/or appreciated investments that have increased in value since purchase (e.g., stocks, bonds and mutual funds).

Are there tax benefits for a gift in Will? +

Your estate will receive a tax receipt for the full value of your gift. The resulting tax credits will reduce the taxes you owe on your final tax return while helping increase the remaining value of your estate for your beneficiaries. 

Everyone’s financial situation is different. When considering a gift in your Will you should speak with a tax professional and financial advisor to help you achieve your objectives.

Why should I leave a gift in my Will? +

Legacy giving makes a powerful difference for generations to come, helping to prevent disease, save lives and transform recovery for friends, colleagues, and loved ones.

Can I change my mind about my gift in Will? +

We understand that situations change. When you include a charitable gift in your Will, you have the right to change it at any time.

What information do I give to my lawyer/notary? +

Please use the following information to create your legacy gift to Heart & Stroke:

Legal name: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

Mailing address: 2300 Yonge Street, Suite 1200, Box 2414, Toronto ON M4P 1E4

Charitable registration #: 10684 6942 RR0001

What are the different bequest options? +

Here are the main types of gifts in Will and suggested language you can provide to your lawyer/notary:

  • Residual bequest/legacy: You wish to leave a portion or share of your estate to Heart & Stroke after all debts and specific bequests to loved ones are paid.
    • For example,
      “I give to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada all (or stated percentage) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.”
  • Specific bequest/legacy: Your wish to leave a gift for a specific amount to Heart & Stroke. For example
    • Gift of a specific dollar amount: “I give to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada the sum of (state the dollar amount).”
    • Gift of a particular asset: “I give to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (describe the property/asset).”
  • Contingent bequest/legacy: You wish to leave all of part of your estate to Heart & Stroke only if other beneficiaries in your Will pass away before you. For example,
    • “If (indicate beneficiary name) does not survive me, then I give all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada”.
How do I start planning a gift in my Will? +

When you’re ready to start planning a gift in your Will to Heart & Stroke, we will be here to walk you through the process.

Download your guide to preparing your Will or book a call with an advisor for more information.

Gift of securities
How do I donate securities to Heart & Stroke? +

You can make a healthy investment and reduce your taxes by donating shares to Heart & Stroke.

When you make a gift of securities to Heart & Stroke, you put stock in knowing you are supporting vital research, health education and advocacy programs.

Download the gift of securities transfer form or send an email to to initiate the process.

  • If you’re located in New Brunswick, please use this form.

If you are an executor, personal representative, estate trustee liquidator, trust officer, lawyer or individual transferring securities on behalf of an estate or trust, please use the estate transfer of securities form.

Gift of registered investments
What is a registered investment? +

A registered investment refers to types of investments or investment accounts that are registered with a regulator authority such as Canada Revenue Agency.

In Canada, registered investment accounts include Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) and Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs). These accounts typically offer tax advantages that encourage Canadians to save and invest.

What types of registered investments can be donated? +

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP): A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a savings and investment account registered with the Government of Canada. It is designed to help and encourage individuals to save for retirement. The plan’s assets grow on a tax-deferred basis and contributions to an RRSP are tax-deductible.

Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF): A retirement account registered with the Government of Canada that is designed to provide retirees with an income stream from their savings. Individuals who have RRSPs are required to convert their savings into an income option when they reach 71, and RRIFs are one of the most popular choices. Investment earnings in a RRIF are not taxable, however withdrawals are considered taxable income.

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP): An RESP is a savings and investment account which is registered with the Government of Canada. It is designed to help families save for their children’s post-secondary education. The investments in an RESP grow tax-free until the funds are withdrawn to pay for education costs.

How do you know if this type of gift is right for you? +

Everyone’s financial situation is different. When considering a gift of registered investments, you should speak with a tax professional and financial advisor to help you achieve your objectives.

Do you have the correct information for your registered savings fund provider? +

Our full legal name, address and charitable registration number is: 

Legal Name: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

Mailing Address: 2300 Yonge Street, Suite 1200, Box 2414, Toronto ON M4P 1E4

Charitable Registration #: 10684 6942 RR0001

Why share your decision to give to Heart & Stroke? +

We are grateful for your generosity and commitment to Heart & Stroke’s mission and we would like the opportunity to thank you during your lifetime. We also understand that this is a personal decision and value your privacy. We will not share your personal information.

How can you make this kind of gift? +

Donating a registered investment to Heart & Stroke is one of the easiest ways to create a  legacy gift. Contact the plan administrator or your Financial Advisor and instruct them to name Heart & Stroke as beneficiary of the account.

Do you have any other questions? +

Book a call to talk to an advisor or email

Gift of life insurance
What is a gift of life insurance? +

You can name Heart & Stroke as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy or transfer the ownership of your policy to Heart & Stroke. When considering a gift of life insurance to Heart & Stroke, you have options. To find the right solution for your own goals and situation, it is important to get advice from your advisor(s). Life insurance is also subject to various national and provincial regulations, so it is in everyone’s best interest to ensure the type of gift of life insurance you are considering is one that Heart & Stroke can receive.

How do you know if a gift of life insurance is right for you? +

Everyone’s financial situation is different. When considering a gift of life insurance, you should speak with a tax professional and financial advisor to help you achieve your objectives.

Why share your decision to give to Heart & Stroke? +

We are grateful for your generosity and commitment to Heart & Stroke’s mission and we would like the opportunity to thank you during your lifetime. We also understand that this is a personal decision and value your privacy. We will not share your personal information.

Do you have the correct information for your insurance provider? +

Our full legal name, address and charitable registration number is: 

Legal name: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

Mailing address: 2300 Yonge Street, Suite 1200, Box 2414, Toronto ON M4P 1E4

Charitable registration #: 10684 6942 RR0001

Do you have any other questions? +

Book a call to talk to an advisor or email