Copyright Notice
© 2020 Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use prohibited.
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC) copyright materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part by persons, organizations or corporations other than the HSFC and its affiliates without prior written permission.
Please read the following Copyright Permission Guidelines before submitting your request to
Copyright Permission Guidelines
Last reviewed: May 2018
Content Usage
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada grants the User of the Website a personal, limited, revocable, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to access, read and download the Content located on this Website for personal, non-commercial and not-for-profit use only. The Website is made available to you for your lawful, personal use only.
You may print pages from the Website for your personal, non-commercial use only, provided that you do not modify any of the Content and you do not remove or alter any visible or non-visible identification, marks, notices, or disclaimers.
Unless otherwise indicated, all information contained on this Website, including, without limitation, text, videos, logos, graphics, images and photographs, is proprietary to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC), its content suppliers or licensors, and protected by Canadian and international copyright, trademark, and other applicable laws and may not be copied, imitated, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, modified, indexed, catalogued, merged with other data, mirrored, distributed or used in any way, in whole or in part, by persons, organizations or corporations other than the HSFC, its affiliates and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of New Brunswick (collectively “HSF”) without prior written consent of HSFC.
How to request permission:
To obtain permission to use or copy HSFC-copyrighted materials from, any HSF’s provincial micro-sites and other sites operated by HSF or from related print materials, videos and audio materials, you must submit your request in writing to
Requests must include:
- Requestor’s name and title
- Company/institution name
- Address
- Telephone number
- Fax number
- Email address
- HSFC document title
- Date of publication
- Catalogue number, page number or Website URL address
- Figure/table number
- Exact material to be used
The request must indicate what other source of information will be included in the resource, how the material will be used and distributed, and if the materials will be sold.
Please Note: Incomplete requests will be returned.
How long does it take HSFC to process a request?
Please allow 10 business days from receipt of all required information for a response. Additional time is required for requests to reprint certain recipes and resuscitation materials.
General guidelines
Permission may be granted to reproduce HSFC material if the request meets these criteria:
- Submission of completed form and sample materials.
- Accuracy/currency of requested HSFC material.
- The requested material does not exceed 25% of text, figures, tables, illustrations or video footage. Percentage may vary by source. (This criterion does not apply to Resuscitation materials and all medical illustrations.)
- Material must be used in association with credible publications/resources.
- Material cannot be adapted or changed in any way.
- Material may only be used for educational, awareness, promotional and not-for-profit purposes.
- Material will not be used for a commercial or for-profit activity or to promote a commercial product.
- Request may not cause the HSFC to lose copyright on the material.
- The HSFC copyright statement must be included on the reproduction.
Please note: Final approval is not granted until all fees (if applicable) and the Signed Content Use Agreement are received.
Permission will not be granted to:
- Use any HSFC trade-marks. This includes the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada logo, the Heart and Stroke Foundation logo, and other trade-marks and logos owned by the HSFC.
- Use any of the ‘medical’ illustrations.
- Use HSFC materials to endorse (implied or otherwise) a product, company or service.
- Copy an entire publication, pamphlet, slide presentation or video (This criterion does not apply to certain sections of the Websites – See Guideline for Use of Health Information Publication for details).
- Use any material that has been discontinued or is under revision.
- Modify or adapt HSFC materials.
- Use any HSFC/AHA resuscitation materials (see section on Resuscitation Use Guidelines for more information).
All requests that are granted will be assessed processing fees based on the schedule below:
- Print only – $50 (Does not include Recipes, Resuscitation (ECC/CPR/First Aid) materials, or translations)
- Electronic only – $100 (Does not include Recipes, Resuscitation (ECC/CPR/First Aid) materials, or translations). See Electronic Use Guidelines for more information.
- Electronic and print – $150 (Does not include Recipes, Resuscitation (ECC/CPR/First Aid) materials, or translations). See Electronic Use Guidelines for more information.
Guidelines for Use of HSF Recipes
Last reviewed: May 2018
- When submitting your request to please ensure you include the title and URL for each recipe you wish to reproduce. Forms that do not include recipe titles and URLs will be deemed incomplete and will not be processed.
- HSFC can only authorize reproduction of recipes developed by Emily Richards, PH Ec., © Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Requesters who wish to reproduce other recipes found on the HSF Website, must contact the identified copyright owner directly for permission.
- Recipe will not be used for a commercial or for-profit activity or to promote a commercial product.
- Requester must print a copyright notice, attribution and citation, which HSFC will provide with every recipe.
- Requestor must print the Nutrition Analysis information, which HSFC will provide with every recipe.
- Requestor must provide a proposed layout of how the recipes will be used. HSFC will review the layout and proofread all recipes prior to publication. Requestor will make all necessary corrections prior to publication.
- If requestor plans to publish the recipes at various times throughout the year, requestor must provide a copy of the production schedule to the HSFC. A maximum of 3 recipes per quarter may be authorized.
Guidelines for Use of Resuscitation Materials
Last reviewed: May 2018
HSF resuscitation materials (Developed by HSF. © Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada)
- Material will not be used for a commercial or for-profit activity or to promote a commercial product.
- Material may only be used for educational purposes.
- Requester must print a copyright notice, attribution and citation, which HSFC will provide with the content used.
- Material may not be modified or adapted.
Please allow 10 business days from receipt of all required information for a response.
HSFC/AHA resuscitation materials
- Complete the AHA request to reproduce form at and attach sample materials to your submission. Please allow 20 business days from receipt of all required information for a response.
Guidelines to Use HSFC Materials in Electronic Format
The HSF encourages sites to link to View the HSF Linking Policy to find out how.
PowerPoint Presentations
Permission may be granted to include Heart and Stroke Foundation information in PowerPoint presentations with the following caveats:
- Student projects may only be presented in a classroom setting for academic credit.
- Material cannot be used in a PowerPoint presentation given by sales staff form a for-profit company or used to promote a commercial product or service, or otherwise used in a way that implies approval or endorsement of a company, product or service.
- PowerPoint presentations can only be posted on password protected or subscription sites for 12 months after the live presentation.
Media Usage Policy
Last reviewed: May 2018
Terms and Conditions for use of HSFC Multimedia Materials*
- "Multimedia" means all media material furnished by the Heart and Stroke Foundation hereunder, whether audio, video, digital images/prints, animation, graphics or otherwise.*
* This usage policy specifically refers to materials provided in the Multimedia section of the HSFC newsroom ( These terms may not be applied to other HSFC copyrighted material found on and other HSFC sites.
- All multimedia and copyrights associated therewith shall remain the exclusive property of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
- Permission to use HSFC multimedia is granted to credentialed news media (Radio, Television, Print and Internet) for non-commercial editorial purposes only. Any other use is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada ( )
- With the exception of video and audio (b-roll and interview clips) which may be edited as needed for time/story content, credentialed news media may not edit or alter HSFC copyrighted animation provided in the video animation library in the newsroom. The HSFC copyright must be retained. If a zoom effect is employed, an HSFC courtesy must be included on print items or as a font on a broadcast format.
- The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada's copyright must accompany each photo/image use as an adjacent credit line.
- Credentialed news media may not alter (change content) of videos or images by digitalization or by synthesizing them alone or with any other material, by use of computer or with other electronic means now or hereafter known without the written consent of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada being first obtained in each instance.
- The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada does not endorse companies, products or services and strictly prohibits any suggestion of endorsement, recommendation, or superiority of one company, product or service over another company, product, or service. User may not assign or transfer this agreement or any rights granted hereunder.