Heart-healthy eating on a budget

A practical guide to smart shopping, storing food and saving money.
A family of three by the kitchen table, with the mother preparing the meal and the father holding their child in one arm.

If you’ve been shocked at the cost of food - you're not alone. However, with a bit of planning and preparation, there are many money-saving tips when it comes to shopping, preparing, cooking, and storing foods. You’ll find all that (and more!) in this handy guide.

Whether you’re searching for practical tips to stay on budget or looking for healthy, heart-friendly meal choices that reduce waste –  we’ve got practical tips to help.

About this guide 

Accessing food – let alone healthy food that fits our needs – is challenging. Let's figure out what works best for you—your tastes, skills and budget—so you can stretch your food further, make the most of what you've got and discover joy in healthy eating.

What you can expect to find inside: 

  • Before you shop: see how planning your meals can help you shop.
  • At the grocery store: learn how to get the most out of every dollar you spend.
  • Preparing and storing food: discover the best ways to store food safely to make it last.

Get started with heart-healthy eating

Grab your shopping bags and cooking tools and read on to explore how to nourish your heart while being kind to your budget.

Two women making a salad in a kitchen