A lifetime and beyond of support and caring

Ken Scott is following his mother’s footsteps by leaving a legacy of hope
Heart & Stroke legacy donor Ken Scott holding a plaque awarded to his mother contributing to Heart & Stroke as a canvasser.

A proud legacy: Ken Scott shows the plaque awarded to his mother, Dorothy, for years of service as a Heart & Stroke canvasser.

When you meet Ken Scott for the first time, you can’t help but notice his welcoming smile, gentle demeanor and his commitment to living an active lifestyle. At age 77, the Saanich, British Columbia resident is the epitome of someone who takes living a heart healthy lifestyle seriously – and he has a good reason. 

When you are charitable, you help make the world a better place for everyone.

Ken Scott Heart & Stroke legacy donor

Ken’s father, Ralph, was 70 years old when he had a heart attack. Thankfully, Ralph had a full recovery and lived to the incredible age of 97. Ralph’s heart attack inspired Ken’s mom, Dorothy, to become a Heart & Stroke canvasser to fundraise in support of critical heart research. Over the nine years Dorothy canvassed, Ken drove her on her canvassing rounds through central Saanich. Sadly, in 2016, Dorothy passed away at 92.

Today, Ken proudly displays the plaque that Dorothy received in 1999 for outstanding service. With a family history of heart disease and his mother’s dedicated fundraising efforts, Ken understands how important it is to live a heart healthy lifestyle and to help make a difference in the lives of other people affected by heart disease by raising awareness and funds.

In this spirit of giving, Ken created his own legacy with a gift in his Will dedicated to Heart & Stroke. “When you are charitable, you help make the world a better place for everyone,” says Ken.

Heart & Stroke is honoured to have two generations of support to help lead the fight against beat heart disease and stroke.

Thank you, Ken, for your big heart and for caring so much about others. We applaud your dedication to following in your mother’s footsteps and for making a lasting impact for generations to come.